16 February 2009


My first tiramisu...with all strength and determination finally i dpt gak buat tiramisu...ni pon setelah 2,3 kelas kek baru berani nak buat...n u know what i think tiramisu is the fastest cake i ever make..hahahaha......sedap giler tapi berhati2 ek kadar kolesterol amatla tinggi...mana tak nyer ngan mascarphone cheese add with cream...gilooosss!!


  1. ahh..dah buat rupa nyerr..fa baru tempek resipi..u guna recipe mana yer for this tiramisu

  2. ni amik dr internet....main balun jer....tapi tetap nk cuba FA nyer....u kan ciskek queen hahah

  3. nozie,i nak tanya skit lah pasal ur chocolate roses,u guna cone waffle ke as base?
    semua cheesecake i sebelum i release kan dari pan, i guna pisau n scrap kan kat tepi cake, buat 1 round or more sampai takde cake yg terlekat kat pan,pastu baru release kan cake pan, so tepi ciskek jadi cantik bila keluar kan, tapi kadang2 i terlupa gak nak buat this step sebab nak cepat.. he he

  4. ha'ah FA i pakai wafer tuh...memula dulu i guna flower nail tuh, la ni cuba2 pakai cone wafer...cuma nk cucuk kat kek tuh yg kurang skit..kena tekan kuat2 skit...petang ni ingat nk pakai flower nail jer senang nk tampal kat permukaan kek....

    tks for the tip yaaa....i mmg giler tgk ciskek2 u nih...n ur baby bear gak....comeiii betui
